Almost every camper that returns to SDSC has one goal in mind: to summit Mt. Mansfield. As one young camper recalled "I've been coming here since I was nine and every year I get further and further, today I made it to the top, it was awesome"... and awesome it was! The hike is one of the most prized sessions for our campers. Since we run on such a tight schedule here at the Round Hearth so we can fit everything in, each team only has 2 hours to reach the summit...and anyone that has ever hiked Mt. Mansfield before can attest to the hustle required to make it in that time-frame! All of our older groups made it to either the summit of the ski mountain (i.e. the visitor center) or even higher the summit of the mountain . It was a bit misty and the fog made it difficult to see any views but everyone felt proud and accomplished with very tired legs! The younger groups went to the Trapp Family Nordic Ski Center and had their own adventure on the ski trails. The first ever group made it to the cabin - which is the equivalent of the 'summit'. Don't be fooled though, these strong little guys hiked over 6 miles! Looking forward to tacos for dinner and our evening activities...but more on that later.

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