Camp Info

Location: Stowe, Vermont

Stowe Dryland Camp is located in beautiful Stowe, Vermont at the Round Hearth. Built by Charlie Blauvelt and Graham "Gil" Gilcrest, the Round Hearth was the first ski dorm on today's famous "Mountain Road". As such, the lodge was a key landmark for many tourists, college students and youth groups and families. The campers take advantage of all that Stowe has to offer, with the Stowe Rec Path, Stowe Mountain Resort, bike trails, and lots of secret swimming holes along the way.

Our Program:

Setting up for a field session with a featured coach
Program directors Danny Noyes and Matt Maloney have spent a considerable amount of time developing a curriculum that offers instructional sessions, team building, play, and rest. We understand the importance of having fun, but we also hold our young campers to high moral standards. We expect them to respect themselves, others, and our staff. We hope that at the end of a week at camp your child will have experienced the techniques used by world class athletes for preparing for their seasons, new sports and activities they may not have had the opportunity to participate in, and to try things they never thought they could do. 

Please make sure to look at our full description of our program by visiting Camp Information Packet where you can view, download, and print the material. Feel free to contact us after reading this information if you still have any questions.

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