Monday, July 24, 2017

Afternoon Switcheroo - Basic Athletic Stance and Teambuilding

Once again adapting to the less than ideal rain we have seen here and Stowe all day, camp slit in half into two different activities. The older 3 teams (Sweden, Germany, USA) worked with Danny for their first instructional session on Basic Athletic Stance.

We spend considerable time throughout the week bringing Basic Athletic Stance back into play, so spending focused time on it today is important.  Some campers were hearing these instructions for the first time, others were building off bits and pieces they had learned in the past, and its safe to say that nobody has mastery over it yet.  To be proficient in something takes practice, and it takes 1000 perfect repetitions to achieve mastery and make proper movements habit.  As explained to the camp, we build our stance like we build a house... starting with the foundation.  Feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing straight (we dont ski with our toes pointing out, do we?), ankle and knee flexion, slightly forward spine angle, hands at the height of our armpits and out in front (like you are ready to catch a ball), and ENGAGING your CORE.  The verbiage was repeated almost as many times as the movements, and as stated above, we will revisit them each day this week.

While Sweden, Germany, and USA were progressing through basic athletic stance, Norway, Italy and France worked together on some team building exercises. They untied human knots, hoola hooped as a team, and even crossed an alligator swamp! It was so encouraging to see all the teams focus on their communication, listening, and leadership skills.

If this afternoon proves to be a preview for the rest of the week in terms of effort, adaptability, and listening ability, we are in for an amazing week! Plus, it looks like things are going to clear tonight, so we are hoping to get outside and cure this early case of cabin fever!

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