Danny - "When was the last time you did something that hard?"
Camper 1 - "I don't remember."
Camper 2 - "Never."
Camper 3 - "Last week at this camp. Actually, this was harder."

This afternoon we attacked Mount Mansfield! All groups pushed themselves to their extreme. Many made the summit (highest point in Vermont), and the rest stretched themselves to find how far they could make it. We had a cutoff of 2hrs before we had to turn around, and we hoofed it up as far as we could, with over 60% of camp reaching the summit in those 2hrs. The walk down could have been brutal... but the kids shot through cliff trail and made it fun with high spirits, and even ran a bit to finish the challenge.
Great day with high volume, we welcome Eric's evening Scavenger Hunt, with built in cold water recovery in the river.
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