In ski racing, athletes are only in this position for a split second each turn and spend most of their time on the edge of the skis either initiating turns, creating pressure at the top of the turn, accelerating in the fall line through the apex, or accelerating through the completion of the turn. Despite this differential, basic athletic stance is so important because it allows skiers to enter each turn in the proper position. A balanced position in the transition reduces potential mistakes and makes body movements to start each turn more efficient.

On skates we transitioned through a balanced jump progression into GS and SL turns. I was extremely impressed by the improvement for some of our return campers. The counselors were also fantastic, working with each camper and showing the special attention and direction we pride ourselves on here at SDSC.
A nutrition speach by Chad Couto, the fitness director at the Stoweflake Mountain Resort, will bring us to movie night and popcorn. Some tired muscles here in Stowe, a quiet night is exactly what we need right now.
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