Great day today. Gus was back in the field in the afternoon with counselors Justin and Ben and coaches Erin and Matt, while the three younger groups bussed over the notch to the Secret Swimming Hole with Eric, Jim, Adele, Kelsey, and myself. I know I've said it before, but it is so good for these children to be outside and active, experiencing things they normally wouldnt at home.
The night activity brought us over to the rec path on our bikes for a quick trip to a local swimming spot, along with a few games of speed ball. This game was introduced to the camp this year and just might be a new favorite (move over Capture the Fox?).
S'Mores tonight. Tasty.
As the camp nears the final activities, I want to express my pleasure and satisfaction with the effort put in by our staff. The featured coaches have lived up to expectations. Matt and Erin put out such quality in everything they do while juggling a lot of responsibilities. A counselors job is endless, and the group we have (Kelsey, Eric, Justin, Ben, Jim, Adele) has impressed me to no end. If I could write a whole blog on them, I would, and maybe I should. Huge thanks to all of them.
A fun day is planned tomorrow, last full day.
Thanks, Danny
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