Hi Everyone,
Great job with this morning's session Matt, and thanks for blogging on it.
This afternoon we biked the rec path in full force (51 campers, 10 coaches) all the way to the Stowe Bike Park. It was nice to see campers trying things they havent done before year to year, as we had a few drop off the box at the park for the first time. Of course we got in the water either on the way out or the way back (different for each team). I, for one, was happy to experience about a 10 degree rise in temp from when we jumped in last evening.
Chad Couto, the Fitness Director at the Stoweflake Resort, engaged the camp with a discussion on nutrition. This marks the third time in my five years as director that Chad has joined us for an evening, and it is remarkable how he creates a classroom out of our menu here at camp. I have listened to him speak each year and I come away each time with a better knowledge about how our bodies work and what we need to keep moving and performing. The kids undoubtedly took some great info away from it as well.
A few pictures for you to share... and we turn the page.
Thanks, Danny
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